Assalammualaikum to all my cute fwends! :*
Hola Señor && Señorita!!! ¿Cómo estás? 

Life is tough. We dont know what might happen next, all we need is a preparation. Whatever comes to you, never give up. Stand, don't crawl. Bloom, don't wilt. Stay and never leave. Our destiny has been determined by Him. All we need to do is just follow the path. We have to be strong because only you will against the world, alone. Ignore what people might say about you, just live to the fullest. Life is far too short to be sad, to be mad,
to hold regret, to look back, to be depressed, and to be unkind.

Dont regret what you've done because in the end, it makes you who you are :) Face your mistakes! It’s easy to try pretend like a mistake has never happened, but by doing that you heavily reduce the quality of your life. Next time you make a mistake, you're going to admit that you made one straight away and then learn from it instantly.
InsyaAllah, with Allah will, everything will go smoothly.

We're still young. Dont throw your youth away. There's a lot of things to do, don't be swayed easily by your heart's whispers, friends. Life is a race, if you're slow, you'll be left behind. If you're fast enough, you're chasing the success. Allah will help him/her who moves in the way of Allah. May Allah bless each of us, always. Amin ♡

Let's do some chacha and we'll be alright, vamos a bailar!

"Every time I trust somebody they show me why I shouldn't trust anybody."

KL Cosa Nostra.

.freak. oldies. peace.